Proverbs 24:3,4




1.                  Almost everybody knows–or at least recognizes–a line or two of poetry.


2.                  Not surprisingly, the Bible has its own poetical books.


3.                  The biblical books of poetry emphasize the precious place of family in human experience.




1.                  The books and what they say about family


a.                   Job is “the masterpiece of anguish,” the account of the trials of a great man who struggles through the fires of loss and pain but maintains his integrity.  Of all the things he valued, the tender care of family topped the list.

i.                    Job 1:4,5

ii.                  Job 19:13-17

iii.                Job 42:13-16


b.                  Psalms is the hymn book of Israel, the collection of songs and prayers that served to express to God every longing of any heart.  It leaves no doubt that real worship and upright family living go together.

i.                    Psalm 113:7-9; 68:5,6

ii.                  Psalm 127:1,3-5

iii.                Psalm 78:5-7


c.                   Proverbs is the handbook for skill in the art of godly living, a practical guide for everyday life that is full of “short lessons from long experience.”  Family relationships are never far from its sight.

i.                    Prov. 18:22; 31:10-11,25,28-30

ii.                  Prov. 22:6; 29:15,17

iii.                Prov. 23:19,22-26; 30:17

iv.                Prov. 5:18-23; 6:27-29,32-33

v.                  Prov. 20:7


d.                  Ecclesiastes is the search for meaning in a human being’s life, the “under-the-sun” view of how anything worthwhile is to be made of life when time and chance happen to us all while we wait for the one event we all have in common.  A big part of the answer it offers is family.

i.                    It will do no good, says this book, to strive and toil as if doing so could make us secure and satisfied.

ii.                  Instead, we are to make our souls see good by doing our best with life, recognizing what we have from the hand of God, and enjoying it.

iii.                Eccl. 9:8-10


e.                   The Song of Solomon is the love story of the Bible, the affectionate and admiring  back-and-forth of two sweethearts who delight in their honorable love for one another.

i.                    “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine,” they say over and over again (6:3; 2:16; 7:10).

ii.                  One’s heart is captivated by the other’s beauty (4:7,9,10).

iii.                Song of Sol. 8:6-7


2.                  Our lives and how we may value family


a.                   What kind of work is it?

i.                    Diligent and practical work

ii.                  Loving your spouse well

iii.                Faithfully training your children in godliness


b.                  How can work like this be done?

i.                    The answer of these books: Wisdom!

ii.                  “Wisdom is the principal thing...Get wisdom...By wisdom a house is built...”

iii.                Understanding that makes proper use of knowledge

iv.                “Skill in the art of godly living”

v.                  “That orientation which allows one to live in harmonious accord with God’s ordering of the world”


c.                   Why should this work be done?

i.                    “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10; Job 28:28; Psalm 111:10)

ii.                  Reverence and humility and gratitude before the Maker and Redeemer

iii.                A happy, useful, and whole life (Eccl. 12:13)

iv.                Psalm 128:1-4




1.                  This past week I saw this headline:  “Poll: 4 in 10 Say Marriage Becoming Obsolete.”


2.                  That is disregarding a precious relationship.  It comes from having devalued personhood.  That starts with dishonoring the Lord God.  And that is what he has always been at work to reverse through his own Son (Psalm 22:27,30-31).


3.                  Psalm 103:17-19