Christian Communication

                                                    in the Age of Social Networking





1.                  Consider the leading news stories of the last week...

a.                   a revolution

b.                  a resignation

c.                   ...and what they have in common.


2.                  Not good or bad, but powerful–and needing to be used well.

a.                   Capacity for communication always has been like this (Prov. 18:21).

b.                  Our task: to apply godly principles to any form that comes along.




1.                  Numerous sites, networks, and tools are available.

a.                   The names are part of our culture: MySpace, Facebook, Xanga, YouTube, Twitter...

b.                  The activities are ingrained in our routines: texting, posting, commenting, tweeting, skyping...

c.                   How quickly, how far, and how permanently a message originating from a single individual can now be sent!


2.                  People use these tools to a wonderfully beneficial effect.

a.                   Contact can be maintained and relationships may be enriched.

b.                  Information can be shared with a group who have something in common.

c.                   Mutually rewarding interaction with other human beings can occur.


3.                  You only have to be aware of human nature to know there are dangers.

a.                   Anything with the capacity to powerfully impact us for good can be used by our enemy for our ruin.

i.                    What can help can hurt

ii.                  What can inform can mislead

iii.                What can bless can curse

b.                  Our nature makes us vulnerable where use of these sites and networks is  concerned.

i.                    We have passions that are difficult to master.

ii.                  We want out identity, belonging, and acceptance.

iii.                We are tempted to experiment with the unknown and forbidden.

iv.                We have at our bidding something which is available, affordable, and anonymous.

v.                  We can easily assume there is no accountability for our use of it.


4.                  One point must be observed: the same principles that govern what a Christians says with his mouth must be applied to his use of any of website or network.


a.                   Persons.  Communication is about relationship.  Relationship is, by definition, personal.


b.                  Purity.  The heart is the source of any message spoken, sent or received.  What happens there can defile a person.

i.                    Matt. 15:19, 20

ii.                  Prov. 4:23

iii.                Phil. 4:8


c.                   Propriety.  Our words must fit the need.  The standard is that what we put forth must give grace to those who hear, see, or read.

i.                    Eph. 4:25, 29, 32

ii.                  Prov. 25:11


d.                  Privacy.  Respect for personhood requires discretion and dignity.  A certain amount of privacy is basic to these qualities.


e.                   Prudence.  In the world in which we have to live, care must be given to what is wise and safe.

i.                    Col. 4:5, 6

ii.                  Prov. 9:10




1.                  We get our need to speak and to listen, to know and to be known, from God.


2.                  When we are right with him, we will make our best use of our capacity for knowing and being known.