Exodus 6:2-9





1.                  Exodus: central to salvation history.


2.                  Our text: the most tender paragraph of Exodus.

a.                   Between the why and the how.

b.                  God the sole actor.


3.                  The faithful work of God lies at the heart of the gospel.





1.                  “I am...”:  the God who is present.


a.                   “I am the LORD” (v.2, 6, 8).

i.                    Who appeared to the fathers as God Almighty, v.3.

ii.                  Who established my covenant with them to give them the land, v. 4.


b.                  “You shall know that I am the LORD your God” (v. 7).

i.                    Name served to assure that he is with them, 3:12, 14-15.

ii.                  Name proclaimed his faithful character, 34:6-7.

iii.                Name identified him as the living God of Israel, 7:5; 10:2.


2.                  “I have...”: the God who cares.


a.                   “I have heard the groaning” (v. 5).

i.                    Ruthlessly made their lives bitter with hard service, 1:13-14.

ii.                  God saw–and God knew, 2:25.

iii.                Sees afflictions, hears cries, knows sufferings, and comes to deliver, 3:7-8.


b.                  “I have remembered my covenant” (v. 5).

i.                    Not as if recalling something to mind.

ii.                  To express concern for, or to act with favor for, someone to whom he has obligated himself by covenant.


3.                  I will...”: the God who is at work.


a.                   “I will bring you out from under the burdens” (v. 6).


b.                  “I will deliver you from slavery” (v. 6).


c.                   “I will redeem you with...great acts of judgment” (v. 6).


d.                  “I will take you to be my people” (v. 7).


e.                   “I will be your God” (v. 7).


f.                   “I will bring you into the land” (v. 8).


g.                  “I will give it to you for a possession” (v. 8).





1.                  There could not be a more vivid shadow of what the faithful God has done for us through the gospel of his Son!


2.                  In those days, the people did not listen to Moses (v. 9).

a.                   Because of their broken spirit.

b.                  Because of their harsh slavery.


3.                  They starting point for Moses and Aaron: “they did just as the LORD commanded them” (7:6, 10, 20).