A Sentence That Explains Why We’re Here

Hebrews 10:19-25





1.                  At camp we have a tradition of singing, “We’re here because we’re...”


2.                  Our text is a sentence which, for the church, finishes that song.

a.                   It summarizes and applies the arguments of this epistle.

b.                  It would have been a fitting conclusion to the letter, except that the rest of the letter amplifies the points it makes.

c.                   It says we are here to take up three essential privileges that are ours because we are sharers in something precious.





1.                  “Therefore, brothers...” reminds us who we are and what we have.


a.                   What we have

i.                    Free access: “since we have confidence to enter the holy places”

(1)               Heb. 9:7,8

(2)               “by the blood of Jesus”

(3)               “the new and living way”

(4)               “he opened for us”

(5)               “through the curtain...through his flesh”

ii.                  Strong support: “since we have a great high priest over the house of God”

(1)               Heb. 9:24

(2)               Heb. 7:25

(3)               Heb. 3:6


b.                  Who we are

i.                    “Brothers...share in a heavenly calling” (3:1)

ii.                  An impressive recognition of the new fellowship established in Christ

iii.                A noble term by which the writer identified himself with the readers


2.                  “Let us...” calls us to what we should do now as children of God.


a.                   An approach: “Let us draw near...in full assurance of faith”

i.                    Heb. 4:16; 7:25; 10:1

ii.                  “with a true heart”

iii.                “with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience”

iv.                “with...our bodies washed with pure water”

v.                  1 Pet. 3:21


b.                  An embrace: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope”

i.                    What was acknowledged is to be acknowledged repeatedly

ii.                  Heb. 3:1; 4:14

iii.                “that it not waver”

iv.                “for he who promised is faithful”

v.                  Heb. 11:13-16


c.                   A nudge: “And let us consider how to stir up one another”

i.                    A necessary expression of what we have and who we are

ii.                  “to love and good works” (described in 13:1f)

iii.                Negatively: “not neglecting to meet together”

iv.                Positively: “encouraging one another”

v.                  “all the more as you see the Day drawing near”





1.                  We are here to approach our Father, to embrace our confession, and to influence each other for good.


2.                  Real Christianity is a matter of “we” and “us.”


3.                  “You are not too bad to come in.

              You are not so good you can stay out.”