God Has Spoken: A Blessing to Be Respected

Hebrews 1:1-2





1.                  The letter that ends with encouragement begins with respect.


2.                  The ultimate truth claim of Christianity is that God has spoken to us by his Son.





1.                  The contrasts in this text


a.                   Long ago / in these last days


b.                  To our fathers / to us


c.                   By the prophets / by his Son


d.                  At many times and in many ways / [implied: in this one way]


2.                  The application of this truth


a.                   2:1-3, Pay much closer attention


b.                  4:11-12, Do not harden your heart


c.                   5:12-14, Trained by constant practice


d.                  7:12-14, The one of whom these things are spoken


e.                   11:3, So that what is seen is not made out of things that are visible





1.                  “Do not refuse him who is speaking” (12:25)


2.                  “Bear with my word of exhortation” (13:22)