

1.         Philip Yancey, in The Jesus I Never Knew, wrote: “One detail in the [resurrection] stories has always intrigued me: Why did Jesus keep the scars from his crucifixion?...”


2.         John 20:19-20


3.         What at first seems just a passing detail turns out to be a meaningful New Testament truth: Jesus chose to be identified by his scars.  There must be some good reasons.




1.         The scars meant that triumph had occurred.


a.         Jesus presented his scars as a statement of victory.

i.          The enemy had been met and overcome.

ii.         Once and for all, the price had been paid.

iii.        The suffering was in the past; through it he had become the Overcomer.

iv.        And, in him, so may any of us be!

v.         There is no reason why suffering should ever again have the last word.


b.         This is a strong source of encouragement.

i.          Revelation 5:6

ii.         Hebrews 7:27; 10:11-14, 17-18


2.         The scars mean that loyalty is in order.


a.         My friend Bob Dockery wrote: “One of the South’s greatest General’s in the Civil War was John B. Gordon of Georgia.  Though not a professional soldier, he rose through the ranks to become a Lieutenant General and Corps Commander at age 32.  At the Battle of Antietam, Gordon was horrible wounded – shot twice in the leg, once in the shoulder and once through the cheek.  He bore the scars for the rest of his life. 


 “Years after the war, Gordon ran for the U.S. Senate.  One of his political opponents was a veteran who had served under him.  The two had quarreled over politics and the man vowed he would do all in his power to defeat Gordon.  Election day came.  The veteran marched resolutely into the polling place to cast his vote against his old commander.  There he saw General Gordon, his once handsome face now disfigured by scars.  At the sight, memory came flooding back and tears ran down his cheeks.  Turning to observers the veteran said: ‘It’s no use, boys, I can’t do it....I had forgotten the scars.’”

b.         In a similar way, being reminded of the love of Christ compels us to declare with Thomas as he saw the scars, “My Lord and my God!” (Jn. 20:27-28).


c.         Hebrews 12:1-4


3.         The scars mean courageous service is called for.


a.         This is a call that needs to be heard when the standard in our spiritual lives appears to have become, “What will they do for me?” 

i.          It’s a day when we can hardly even imagine anyone having scars but still staying with it.

ii.         It says something to all of us who have no intention of enduring anything and are all about whatever is easiest and most enjoyable to ourselves.

iii.        It’s a word of instruction to all of us who are easily offended and quickly discouraged.


b.         Galatians 6:17


c.         The Christian way is to honor service which has left scars.

i.          Philippians 2:29

ii.         Romans 16:3, 4




1.         Amy Carmichael wrote:


                                    Hast thou no scar?

                                    No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?

                                    I hear thee sung as mighty in the land,

                                    I hear them hail thy bright, ascendant star,

                                    Hast thou no scar?


                                    Hast thou no wound?

                                    Yet I was wounded by the archers,


                                    Leaned Me against a tree to die;

                                                And rent

                                    By ravening beasts that compassed Me, I swooned:

                                    Hast thou no wound?


                                    No wound?  No scar?

                                    Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,

                                    And pierced are the feet that follow Me;

                                    But thine are whole: can he have followed far

                                    Who has nor wound nor scar?