Don’t Look Back!

Genesis 19:17




1.                  To us, it’s one of the strangest events of the entire Bible: the escape of Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.


2.                  In the New Testament, though, it is used to teach lasting spiritual lessons about as often as any Old Testament episode.





1.                  God knows how to rescue and to judge.


a.                   Three landmark acts of general judgment by God are described in the Old Testament record.

i.                    The flood in the days of Noah

ii.                  The expulsion of the Canaanites

iii.                The destruction of these two cities (Gen. 19:23-25)


b.                  This event is a permanent demonstration of the fact that the God of the Bible can and will judge evil.

i.                    Jude 7

ii.                  2 Peter 2:6, 9-10


2.                  Shallow choices may have deep consequences.


a.                   Living in Sodom brought a great deal of distress to Lot (2 Peter 2:7-8).


b.                  But it started with his lifting up his eyes and looking toward Sodom with short-term values in mind.

i.                    He had come to the area as a member of Abraham’s household.

ii.                  When given a choice, he chose for himself and moved to Sodom (Gen. 13:10-12).

iii.                Surely he never considered how far-reaching the impact of the wicked environment on his own family (Gen. 19:8, 26, 30f).


3.                  Wickedness does its worst work in the way of thinking which it produces.


a.                   The men of Sodom “were wicked, great sinners against the LORD” (Gen. 13:13).

i.                    Their conduct is so notorious that the name of their city has been given to a behavior.

ii.                  What must not be overlooked is the way of thinking that is apparent in their story.


b.                  A mind-set may be identified just by listening to the phrases that appear in Genesis 19.

i.                    “Bring them out to us, that we may know them.” (v. 5)

ii.                  “This fellow came to sojourn, and he has become the judge!” (v. 9)

iii.                “Then they pressed hard against the man Lot, and drew near to break the door down.” (v. 9)

iv.                “But he seemed to his sons-in-law to be jesting.” (v. 14)



4.                  Some things are so urgent that they cannot be done looking back.


a.                   An odd attraction to that which is perishing can develop.

i.                    It happens in the course of everyday activities (Lk. 17:28-29).

ii.                  Lot was told to bring his family out of the place, but he lingered (v. 12, 16).

iii.                The LORD was merciful to him still further, and he brought them out and told them not to stop or look back anywhere (v. 16-17).

iv.                When Lot said he could not make it to the hills, the LORD permitted him to go to a nearby city, provided he escape there quickly (v. 19-22).

v.                  Genesis 19:26


b.                  “Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32).


5.                  It is a blessing to have an intercessor with the God who is willing to be merciful.


a.                   Abraham saw his three visitors look toward Sodom, but with a different view than Lot had before (Gen. 18:16).

i.                    The LORD told him what he was doing (Gen. 18:20-21).

ii.                  Abraham appealed to him not to destroy the righteous with the wicked, but to do what is just (Gen. 18:23, 25).

iii.                God made it clear that he wanted to extend mercy (Gen. 18:32).


b.                  The fact which rounds off the Biblical record is that God had acted by rescuing Lot when he judged the city for the sake of Abraham (Gen. 19:29).





1.                  The Lord has called us out of the world.


2.                  We should not forget that the God who knows how to deliver the godly from temptations also knows how to bring justice upon wickedness.