Homes Jesus Visited

Lesson 10


                                                         IN MARTHA’S HOUSE

                                                                  Luke 10:38-42


1.                  What details about the location of this house are we given in John 11:1,18 and 12:1?


2.                  According to John 11:5, what was Jesus’ attitude toward both of these women?


3.                  What may be gathered about their personalities when the following passages are considered together: John 11:2, 20, 27, 28; 12:2?


4.                  Contrast the actions of the two in verses 38 and 39:

a.                   Martha –

b.                  Mary –


5.                  What light do these verses shed on what Mary was doing?

a.                   Luke 8:35; Acts 22:3

b.                  Psalm 27:4

c.                   Psalm 73:26


6.                  Notice the three terms that are used to describe Martha’s manner as she worked:

a.                   _____________________ (v.40)

b.                  __________________ (v.41)

c.                   ____________________ (v.41)


7.                  How might the lessons of these passages have helped her?

a.                   Luke 8:14

b.                  Luke 12:22-31

c.                   Luke 21:34


8.                  What problem developed?  What do you notice from what Martha said to Jesus?  What should we learn?


9.                  Did Jesus find fault with Martha or correct her?


10.              What principle did he remind her of, and how would it have helped her in that situation?


11.              What two points did the Lord make about Mary’s conduct?




12.              Can you think of other biblical principles which might help when the circumstances in our own houses produce the kind of stress that developed in Martha’s house?