Homes Jesus Visited

Lesson 1
   Luke 1-2
1.            What is your favorite biblical indication that our Lord knows and understands what life is 
               like for us?
2.            Could this be true unless he had visited in the homes of people?
3.            What do you think we might gain from the passages that describe occasions when Christ
               was a guest in people’s homes?
4.            If we are to do so, why does it make sense to start with his own home?
5.            Here are some of the characteristics of the household of which Jesus was a member:
               a.             Respect for what is _________   (Matt. 1:24; Lk. 1:38,49-50; 2:22,33,39,41,49)
               b.             _________, of both character and circumstance (Lk. 1:48,51-53; 2:7,24)
               c.             A sense of _________ of (Matt. 1:19; Lk. 1:34; 2:4,16,51)
               d.            Some ___________ (Lk. 2:6; Matt. 2:13; Lk. 2:35,48)
               e.             Enough wonder and ______ to make life meaningful and manageable (Matt.
                              1:21; Lk. 1:54,55; 2:19,33
6.            Here are some things for us to consider about this home:
               a.             What does the statement made in Luke 2:52 suggest about the home in which
                              Jesus grew up?
               b.            What are the implications of the statement made in Mark 6:3?
               c.             Observe from Mark 6:1, Luke 2:39f, and Luke 2:43-45 that he had a hometown,
                               extended family, and friends. What does this tell us about his home life?
               d.            What do passages like Mark 3:21,31-32 and John 7:3-5 tell us about his family
               e.             What about John 19:25-27? What do we learn from it about family?
7.            In what sense was Jesus a visitor in this home, too?